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Friday, December 4, 2015

Release Blitz ♥ Only For The Weekend by Ella Sheridan ♥ #giveaway



Jane Jacobs is ready for a change. She’s determined that a
history of lackluster relationships and even more lackluster pleasure will end
this weekend, when she meets the Dom her best friend has set her up with. Exploring
dominance and submission with her blind “date” could answer all her
questions—and help her forget the one man she wants to master her.

With his band on hiatus, Vincent O’Connell grabs the chance
to visit his sister in Vegas, but she wants a favor more than a family reunion.
V.’s not above indulging himself with a willing sub, but when he realizes the
sub is his sister’s best friend, Jane, all his instincts scream at him to back
out—and fast.

V knows Jane; she’s young, pretty, sweet. Definitely sub
material—for someone else. But one look at her on her knees and all the reasons
to avoid her disappear. She needs a Dom to guide her, and he needs to indulge
himself with just a taste. After all, it's only for the weekend.
Giveaway Prizes
Writing has been my passion since childhood, but like many
writers, life got in the way. After earning a BA in English Literature, I
married and started a family. But the worlds and characters that swirled
through my mind just wouldn’t go away, and at a particularly difficult time in
my life, I picked up pen and paper (or laptop) and tried to release some of
that difficulty onto the page. I’ve been writing ever since. Now I’m a member
of Romance Writers of America, run an accountability blog to help writers reach
their goals, and am pursuing publication with the same passion I feel for

Nothing pleases me more than sharing the stories of my heart
with you, the reader, and I hope, in some small way, these stories will touch
your heart too.

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